Michael Kalochristianakis

Electrical and Computer Engineer

welcome !

the Cretan forensic clinical management system, fist of its kind in Greece

the first national ERCP clinical management system

digitization, Museum of Medicine of Crete
Museum of Medicine, Crete

CreteLing, aka the most successful school arround here
hip fractures clinical management system

IT is about logic and mathematics. It is also about application, innovation and the biggest and most available library the world has ever seen. And if people focus a little bit, the renowned 'digital gap' not only vanishes but sometimes gets replaced by pure interest for information or even knowledge. So, in a way, IT is about new things and freedom in the modern world. Of course, there is a lot of work but nothing really satisfactory comes easily : ). IT is best when it is open and freely distributed. Check out these links: Free Software Foundation (FSF), GNU, Debian, Android, Android developers

C. Alexandraki, D. Akoumianakis, M. Kalochristianakis, P. Zervas, Kaliakatsos, M. Papakostas, and E. Cambouropoulos, 2022. MusiCoLab: Towards a Modular Architecture for Collaborative Music Learning. Web Audio Conference 2022 (WAC 2022), Cannes, France

M. Kalochristianakis, E. Tsiaoussi, J. Koliarakis, J. Tsiaoussis, "Online tours for a Museum of Medicine", Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI), 2023

M. Kalochristianakis, M., Zervas, P. and Alexandraki C., 2022. An Intelligent Data Repository Consolidating Artifacts of Music Learning. Web Audio Conference 2022 (WAC 2022), Cannes, France

M. Kalochristianakis, V. Kampoureli, E. Tsiaoussi, J. Koliarakis, E. Kokkinaki, J. Tsiaoussis, "Digitization actions in the Museum of Medicine of Crete", 5th Panhellenic Conference on Digital Heritage - Euromed, 2023, ISBN: 978-618-85119-2-7

V. Kampoureli, J. Koliarakis, M. Kalochristianakis, E. Kokkinaki, J. Tsiaoussis, "Towards anthropocentric and inclusive museums: The documentation of the thematic axes of the Museum of Medicine in Crete, Greece", the International Journal of the Inclusive Museum (accepted to be published)

C. Alexandraki, D. Akoumianakis, A. Nousias, D. Milios, Y. Viglis, M. Kalochristianakis, K. Velenis and M. Kaliakatsos-Papakostas, "Collaborative Score Transformations in Online Music Lessons: the MusiCoLab Toolset", International Symposium on the Internet of Sounds, 2023

Ι. Παπατζέλου, Μ. Καλοχριστιανάκης, Γ. Γερασιμάτος, Π. Γκολφάκης, Κ. Παρασκευά, Β. Παπαδόπουλος, Μ. Μουτζούκης, Δ. Χριστοδούλου, Ε. Καλαϊτζάκης, "Η πρώτη ηλεκτρονική βάση καταγραφής ERCP στην Ελλάδα: προκαταρκτικά δεδομένα από το πρώτο εξάμηνο λειτουργίας σε 4 κέντρα", 44th Panhellenic Gastroenterology Conference, 2024, Athens

D. E. Flouri, M. Kalochristianakis, A. Kontogiannis, E. F.Kranioti, Forensic Medicine Unit, University of Crete, 'IPPASOS: The first digital forensic information system in Greece at the service of forensic anthropology and human identification', FASE 2022 Symposium, 2022

Μ. Kalochristianakis, P. Golfakis, K. Paraskeva, D. Christodoulou, G. Paspatis, E. Kalaitzakis, "The first digital information system for ERCP incidents in Greece", 43rd Congress of Gastroenterology, 2023, Annals Gestroenterology (bimonthly publication of the Hellenic society of Gastroenterology)

M. Kalochristianakis, A. Kontogiannis, D. E. Flouri, D. Nathena, K. Kanaki, E. F. Kranioti, IPPASOS: "The first digital forensic information system in Greece", Health Inf Manag, 2023 Feb 17:18333583221144664. doi: 10.1177/18333583221144664. PMID: 36802854.

M. Kalochristianakis, K. Grammatikakis, M. Saldaris, I. Demesoukas, G. Tzanodaskalakis, 'The concept and design of an open, integrated print charging system', IEEE Systems Journal, 2013, vol. 7, iss. 4, pp. 692-699A

M. Kalochristianakis, M. Paraskeyas, E. Varvarigos, N. Xypolitos, “The Greek school network, a paradigm of successful educational services maturing based on open source technology“, IEEE Transactions on Education, Nov. 2007, vol. 50, iss. 4, pp.321-330

M. Kalochristianakis, 'Managing printing infrastructures with open source', Free Open Source Software Conference, 2011

M. Kalochristianakis, M. Parakeyas, E. Varvarigos, N. Xypolitos, “The Greek school network, a paradigm of successful educational services maturing based on open source technology“, IEEE Transactions on Education, 2007, vol. 50, iss. 4, pp. 321-330

M. Kalochristianakis, M. Paraskeyas, E. Varvarigos, “Asynchronous tele-education and computer-enhanced learning services in the Greek School Network”, proceedings of the 1st World Summit of the Knowledge Society 2008 (WSKS 2008), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI), 5288, pp. 234-242

M. Kalochristianakis, M. Zampoglou, K. Kontakis, K. Kapetanakis, A. Malamos, 'Scene integration for virtual worlds', International Conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia (TEMU), 2014, Heraklion, Greece, July 2014

K. Kontakis, M. Steiakaki, M. Kalochristianakis, K. Kapetanakis, A. Malamos, 'Applying Aesthetic Priorities for Web Based Virtual Environments Using Semantic Technologies', 9th interational Conferece 'New horizons in industry business and education', NHIBE, 2015

M. Kalochristianakis, V. Gkamas, G. Mylonas, S. Nikoletseas, J. Rolim, and E. Varvarigos, “An Open and Integrated Management Platform for Wireless Sensor Networks”, 9th International Symposium on Autonomous Decentralized Systems, International Symposioum an Autonomous Decentralized Systems 2009

M. Kalochristianakis, 'Open, general purpose management for printing infrastructures', proposal for the 2nd applied research & innovation competition 'Greece innovates', organized by the Hellenic Federation of Enterprises and Eurobank, 2013 (37th place, 242 submitted, 93 qualified, 24th in the category 'innovation', 15th in ICT, 6th in innovation for ICT)

D. I. Kosmopoulos, M. Kalochristianakis, A. Malamos, S. Chatzis, M. Pternea, K. Kepaptsoglou, M. Karlaftis, 'Developing public transport network systems: the DIANA approach', Proceedings of the 18th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2014), Athens, October 2014

M. Kalochristianakis, V. Gkamas, G. Mylonas, S. Nikoletseas, E. Varvarigos, J. Rolim, “The design on an open, integrated sensor network management platform”, proceedings of the 11 Asia-Pacific Symposium on Network Operations and Management (APNOMS 08), 5297 LNCS, pp 495-498, Bejing, China

M. Kalochristianakis, 'Combining X3D with semantic web technologies for interior design', 20th International Conference on 3D Web Technology (WEB3D), 2015

M. Kalochristianakis, K. Grammatikakis, M. Saldaris, G. Kosmas, I. Mastorakis, F. Chrysou, S. Shore, G. Tzanodaskalakis, E. Varvarigos, 'The design of an open, integrated print management system', International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control 2012 (IS3C), Taichung, Taiwan, June 2012,

M. Kalochristianakis, S. Panagiotakis, K. Vassilakis, “Design considerations for developing e-University solutions based on open source software”, International Conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia (TEMU), 2012, Heraklion, Greece, July, 2012

M. Kalochristianakis, K. Grammatikakis, M. Saldaris, I. Mastorakis, G. Tzanodaskalakis, “The design of an open, integrated print charging system”, Proceedings of the 15th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, October 2011

M. Kalochristianakis, K. Koumoutsos, E. Varvarigos, 'Controlling wireless access points with open infrastructure management tools', 7th international DMTF academic alliance workshop on Systems and Virtualization Management (SVM): standards and the cloud', part of 9th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), 2013

M. Kalochristianakis, M. Paraskeyas, E. Varvarigos, “Deploying cutting-edge educational services in the Greek School Network”, 11th Panhellenic Conference on Informatics, May 2007

E. Psillidou, M. Kalochristianakis, A. Kretsis, E. Varvarigos, 'Remote Management of Wireless Sensor Networks Based on TinyOS', 9th IEEE International Workshop on Managing Ubiquitous Communications and Service (MUCS) part of IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communicatios (PerCOM), 2012

K. Kepaptsoglou, M. Kalochristianakis, D. Kosmopoulos, G. Papadourakis, 'Re-designing the bus route network for the city of Heraklion using an evolutionary approach', 14th special conference of the Hellenic operational research society, 11th meeting of multicriteria decision analysis, 2015

M. Kalochristianakis, S. Panagiwtakis, M. Kalogiannakis, K. Vassilakis, 'Efficient implementation procedures for extensible e-university solutions', 8th International Conference 'New horizons in industry, business and education', NHIBE, 2013

M. Kalochristianakis, E. Varvarigos, K. Vassilakis, M. Paraskeyas, 'Considerations for successful enterprise information systems deployment: the case of the Greek School Network', International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management, 2012,

M. Kalochristianakis, E. Varvarigos, “Open source integrated remote systems and network management with OpenRSM”, proceedings of the 4th International DMTF Academic Alliance Workshop on Systems and Virtualization Management (SVM): Standards and the Cloud , 6th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM), 2010

M. Kalochristianakis, D. Katrinakis, G. Atsali, A. Malamos, T. Manios, S. Panagiwtakis, 'HOLISTIC: an IoT system for residential water recycling based on open source technologies', IEEE International Conference on Telecommunications and Multimedia (TEMU), 2016

M. Kalochristianakis, M. Saldaris, I. Mastorakis, K. Grammatikakis, S. Shadman, F. Chrysou, G. Kosmas, G. Tzanodaskalakis, 'Open, general purpose management for printing infrastructures', 21st Panhellenic Conference of Academic Libraries, 2012

M. Kalochristianakis, M. Paraskeyas, E. Varvarigos, “The Greek school network learning infrastructure”, proceedings of Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, Internal Association for the Development of the Information Society 2010

April, 2004